Scoliosis Rehabilitation Program

Manage scoliosis through specific exercises and postural corrections with an individualised program from our Exercise Physiologist


What is it?

Scoliosis is a progressive abnormal lateral curvature of the spine that affects both adolescents and adults. There is also a similar condition that is called kyphosis. This is a rounding of the mid upper back. If left untreated kyphosis can progress and increase symptoms.


Our Exercise Physiologist will use evidence based material to manage your scoliosis or kyphosis through specific exercises and postural corrections with an individualised program. She will work in with other health practitioners to help manage the condition. These may include orthopaedic specialists, your GP, and other allied practitioners.

The benefits may include: 

  • Improve posture
  • Reduce pain 
  • Reduce muscle imbalances 
  • Slow down curve progression
  • Improve spinal flexibility


Our Exercise Physiologist has experience in treating scoliosis/kyphosis and is continually undertaking further training to enhance your treatment. 

Make an appointment

If you are interested in an initial consultation please contact the clinic.